Gean Harwood and Bruhs Mero first kissed on New Year's Eve in 1929, and had been together 63 years when this photo was made in 1993. With Bruhs now requiring full-time care because of his Alzheimer’s Disease, he lived in a nursing home, and Gean still lived in the New York City apartment they had shared for decades. (Photo: Nancy Andrews)
Nancy Andrews
“I feel like at my best I’m sort of a medium telling other people’s stories.”
Nancy Andrews is an independent journalist based in Pittsburgh. Early in her career, she was a staff photographer at The Washington Post for ten years. During that time she was named Newspaper Photographer of the Year by Pictures of the Year International, White House Photographer of the Year and published two books. Andrews also worked at The Detroit Free Press as Photo Director and then as Managing Editor for Digital Media. She has earned three Emmy awards, two Robert R. Murrow awards, a Columbia Journalism Review Laurel honor and a World Press Photo award. Andrews’ groundbreaking book “Family: A Portrait of Gay and Lesbian America” won a national Lambda Literary Award. Her solo exhibition of the work at the Corcoran Gallery of Art was extended due to popularity. After a teaching stint at West Virginia University, she is now working on a reporting project called “100 Days in Appalachia” with WVU, West Virginia Public Broadcasting and The Daily Yonder.

Workshop Candids

Nikon Gear:
I use a variety of camera/video/3D modeling tools. I’ve experimented with a number of cameras for 360 and now use the KeyMission360.